Adventure video production - Skydiving
Skydiving Adventure Video Production
Experience the rush of skydiving through Rino Point Studios' adventure video production. We specialize in capturing the breathtaking moments of your skydiving journey, turning them into cinematic masterpieces from our base in Denver. Our team understands the unique challenges and exhilaration of skydiving, ensuring each video not only documents your adventure but also tells a story that inspires. Let's capture your leap into the sky in a way that will have viewers yearning for their own adventure.
Checkout: Fall out of the plane with us! Skydiving4k!
We captured the excitement of skydiving training and the thrill of the actual jump in a dynamic adventure shoot, delivering high-energy, immersive footage.
[0:05] Should we jump in? Just be careful. You don't have a helmet on now. Unless you feel like you need one on, I won't put one on you. Okay, good.
[0:15] Good. You could just have a seat there at the end. Key things here are, listen to us, listen to the pilot. If you're on your own, listen to the pilot. The pilot will make the decision. It's amazing how us skydivers are big and strong, we're cool, but when something doesn't go to plan, we turn into wimps that scream. And everything else goes out of the window. The job for you is to be thinking about the skydive. We've kind of mentioned that in the classroom. I don't want you thinking about, oh, is the parachute going to open? We've done the checks, everything looks good. We're going to trust that it's going to work. When we're in the airplane, that's the time to focus on the skydive. Over and all the way. It gets cold in here, and this is right at the time when your brain goes, what am I doing? But this is the time for you to take a deep breath, big boy pants and go, Let's go, all right? Okay, so as soon as John starts to climb out of the airplane, I'm going to say something like, Mike, you ready? And you're going to go, yeah, I was born ready. Whatever you want to come with, that's fine. And you'll feel me sort of holding on to your leg strap here. Okay. And that's me saying to you, hey, if you just decide to get out, I'm coming with you. Okay. You're taking me with you, okay? so John will be outside the airplane and and then we're gonna approach the door we won't practice the exit in here because we have a whole practice set up outside so we have a mock-up which it is a fuselage of this airplane one of these airplanes.
[1:40] That we use that we can sort of beat up with practice careful on the way down most dangerous part of being in the skydiving center is not skydiving, so once we're in the once we're in the air in the door here get yourself into a position where you're stable okay don't feel like you can't touch anything and You know, you couldn't get close to the door. Crouch down, all the way up, kind of at the front of the door here. Left foot forwards instead of right foot forwards because we don't want to put our right hip to the wind. As we come out, as we open up, we want to try and expose this to here.
[2:12] So chin up looking out towards like the wing tip of the airplane you'll see it but as soon as you come out it's almost like you're going to be looking at the sky as we exit the airplane we start to level out now the horizon is what you want to be looking at okay okay in the door as soon as you're ready door check left check right okay what was it prop yeah prop or any anything that's looking outside. Wing, prop, anything. So wing or something. Prop, yeah. And up, down, arch. Okay, so up, down, arch. That's it. Just like that. Okay. All right, so here we are in free fall. What's next? Recover. Good. What's next? Heading, altitude, wave. And arch. Great. You got it. That's the skydive. Hey, we're about to go jump out of an airplane. Perfectly good airplane. So right now it's just kind of calm. I'm sure there'll be a little adrenaline kicking in at some point pretty soon. So we'll see. That's what we're looking forward to though.